So I've just returned from an amazing voyage across the sea. Yes, thats right, Mexico coastline and more. This huge cruise ship was like a mall on water, or like Vegas on ski's lol. It had everything you could imagine and more!! Pools, work out room, rock climbing, mini golf, basketball, fine dining every night, shows shows shows, casino, club, shopping, ice skating, ummmmm oh all you can eat buffet anytime... I mean this ship was wild. Everyday I would wake up and say, whats the adventure today? and sure enough it was followed with much activity and even personal growth (I can't get enough). The amazing group of friends that surrounded me everyday couldn't of been better. Such vibrant souls and true companions. How did I get so lucky? and all this because a dream I had. One of those dreams that scream "this is not your average dream!!" so I followed up on it and now life is richer and more beautiful than I could ever imagine.

One of the many moments that stick out for me was the feeling of oneness on that boat. Everyone including staff was from another place, even country, and we all are on a ship together in awe of the ability of its massiveness to move. People said hello as you passed by them, with a warm smile even. Conversation would strike up at the drop of a hat with the stranger next to you. No matter what your age or race people seemed to be more open and warm. Is it due to the "we on vacation" vibe lets be nice? or maybe because everyone was well rested? and why isn't my everyday back home like this? Is it that hard to find commonality between people? I dont think so we just forget to try. I forget to try, I know the little effort it takes to have great results. Kindness, such an amazing virtue. So imma give it a better chance, try and see what happens. I know with all my heart we are one, but its even greater to see it...
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